Ephesians 4:29
Learn more about Ephesians 4:29
What does Ephesians 4:29 mean?
Click here to download a copy of the 4:29 Scramble Game and see how long it takes a person or a group to place the sheets in the correct order.
Describe a time when having the 4:29 goal has helped you handle a situation appropriately, or avoid trouble.
What have you learned from participating in The 4:29 Project?
How has The 4:29 Project brought you closer to God?
Why did you choose to join The 4:29 Project?
Describe a time you were successful in reaching your 4:29 goal, even though it was challenging.
Other ways to memorize the verse:
- “Draw what you saw.” Draw a picture of the picture you saw in your mind when hearing each part of the verse
- Develop hand motions, movements and dances that will help scholars remember the verse. Record a video of your class’s presentation to share, and help others learn.
- Use the PowerPoint to help visual learners learn the verse (or guide them in creating their own!)
- Repetition writing
- Turn the verse into a song or rap by saying it to a beat or melody
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